Financial Professional
Resource Center

Our library of comprehensive resources, guides and how-tos is designed to help you more seamlessly navigate the independent broker dealer and registered investment advisor space, and make decisions that align with your goals for the future.


5 Steps to a Fear-Free Transition: Your Guide to Making the Move

Download this guide to learn what we’re all about. With Silver Oak, you get: 

  • Freedom to work the way you want.
  • Support to build meaningful, long-term relationships.
  • Smooth transition process with expert guidance.


5 Tips to Market Your Brand – No Matter Where You’re Starting Out

In this free guide, we break down marketing basics you need to know to:

• Define your unique value
• Build your online presence, and
• Reach your ideal clients


My Firm Was Acquired By a Huge Broker-Dealer: Now What?

In this ebook, we’ll outline what you need to consider as you evaluate your future independent broker-dealer relationship and what to know about the various resources and services that may be available to you at your next firm.


Your Next 10 Years: The Ultimate Guide to Managing Your Firm’s Business Growth

In this guide, we’ll help you evaluate your goals for the next ten years of your business, and provide a roadmap for how to achieve them, whether you’re looking forward to retirement, preparing your firm for a transition, or entering your next phase of growth.


Pros vs. Cons: Riding Out a Broker-Dealer Acquisition

Breaking up is never easy. That’s why we put together this 5-step guide for you to get back to working at the more personal firm you know and love.


Breaking up is never easy. That’s why we put together this 5-step guide for you to get back to working at the more personal firm you know and love.


Don’t get fooled again.

If you’re going to make a broker dealer change, make a real change – this comparison sheet will show you how Silver Oak stacks up against fees and services at some of the industry’s biggest broker dealers. 

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