You Belong Here.
You Belong Here.
oriented, planning-centric, technology-focused financial
professionals who desire an escape from the inefficiencies
and inadequacies of the industry’s largest broker dealers.
At Silver Oak, we’re dedicated to supporting growth- oriented, planning-centric, technology-focused financial professionals who desire an escape from the inefficiencies and inadequacies of the industry’s largest broker dealers.
You’re tired of feeling like nothing more than a rep code.
You don’t treat your clients like a number, so why should you tolerate the same from your Broker Dealer? At Silver Oak, we know you personally, and you can be confident your needs are seen, heard, and addressed.
Find Your Fit
Is a Partnership with Silver Oak Right for You?
We support growth-minded financial professionals driven by a desire to provide holistic advice and financial planning services while maintaining flexibility in their product offerings and pricing structures.
Discover if Silver Oak could be your next—or last—Broker Dealer partner.
If this sounds like you, then you’re home.

What Makes Silver Oak the Right Fit for You?
Own Your Future
Capitalize on flexible ownership structures to build better together. From stock grants to stock purchase, Silver Oak empowers our financial professionals with ownership structures that let them be part of something bigger.

Transform Your Transition
Tired of the back-office mess that your firms’ M&A left in its wake? It’s time to get back to doing business the uncomplicated way.
We leverage a fully paperless transition model, designed to make onboarding to Silver Oak painless. But we understand not all firms prioritize digitization, especially in the messy midst of a merger or acquisition.
We’ll help guide you and your staff through the transition from beginning to end, and help you realize the opportunities to reconnect and re-engage with your clients along the way.
Find Your Freedom
We believe every financial professional has a fundamental right to recommend what they believe is best for their clients within regulatory guidelines. We support various pricing models, commission products, and investment management options to empower our professionals to make the decisions they know are best.
If that sounds like your definition of freedom,
then Silver Oak is the right fit for you.